Designed and sold by Coloor
So lest everyone thinks posts here at Building the Republic only revolve around philosophical musings on The Book of Dust or deep poetic analysis of His Dark Materials, I not-so-subtlely draw your attention to the shirt I received in the mail the other day.
As we all know, even with the HBO series, the Pullmanverse isn't anyone near as popularized as say, Harry Potter. For better or worse, there are no HDM theme parks sporting witch-style pine-cloud rides or mulefa-inspired roller coasters. For that matter, there's not really a lot of merchandise period, especially for those of us who grew up with Star Wars and the like, as I've lamented before. However, I did chance upon a site called Red Bubble, which offers a rich array of really, really cool Dark Materials. Some of my favorite shirts are as follows, so get ready to get down and Dusty -
There are a lot of other great ones, such as the one that simply says "DUST" where the NASA logo usually is, and it would be hard to go wrong with the "Make Dust Not War" design, though it may raise some curious eyebrows at the mall. And of course all the prerequisites with Iorek and the alethiometer as well as some nice images from the series for those of you into such things. Not sure about the licensing, but whatever.
And of course, my first foray into Red Bubble was simply scavenging for t-shirts. There is more. Much much more. Say, if you feel you can't face another day without a Pantalamion throw pillow, or an Iorek blanket, or even an alethiometer clock (honorable mention obviously has to go to the very timely alethiometer face mask!), this is your one stop shop.
The quality of my one shirt is very satisfactory, and fits quite well. I will say perhaps the color is a little lighter than I would have thought, but all in all quite awesome. I can't attest to the quality of the other merchandise on offer, except that some of it looks quite cool, and most of it seems to have earned pretty solid reviews.
Check out all of it here. I should also mention you can apparently use your Amazon account when you check out, which is handy. In the meantime, don't let the Gobblers grab your wallet,
And as Always
Stay Dusty My Friends
#HisDarkMaterials #TheBookOfDust #PhilipPullman
#BuildingTheRepublic #PullmanStudies #JordanScholarship
#InDustWeTrust #DownAndDusty #TheGreatProject
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